1929 Born in Atlanta.
1959 Visited India to study Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence.
1962 During the unsuccessful Albany, Georgia movement,
King is arrested on July 27 and jailed.
1963 Organized the famous Million Man.
Greatest speech "I Have a Dream"
1964 Congress passed Civil Right Laws.
1965 Voting right Laws.
1966 In June, King and others begin the March Against Fear through the South.
1968 Was assassinated on April 4.
Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.
What he is famous for:
He was the most important leader of the American civil rights movement.
1929 Born in Atlanta.
1959 Visited India to study Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence.
1962 During the unsuccessful Albany, Georgia movement,
King is arrested on July 27 and jailed.
1963 Organized the famous Million Man.
Greatest speech "I Have a Dream"
1964 Congress passed Civil Right Laws.
1965 Voting right Laws.
1966 In June, King and others begin the March Against Fear through the South.
1968 Was assassinated on April 4.
Excellent work. Thanks for blogging...